Friday, June 25, 2010

Stories with Chinese Characters

Practicing writing characters in Chinese:
I learned some Chinese characters from reading this book.  I tried to make a story with them:

A little person had a tree and a cow and a dog. 
The little person liked to climb big mountains that reached the sky.
When he got to the top, he ate some beans.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Spiderman Heros and Villains



Green Goblin

Dr. Octopus

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Monsters from the Lab

I have been doing some sewing in the squidlab. My first creation (mwaha ha ha ha) is Yeti:

He likes cookies. And snuggles at bedtime. Mwaha ha ha.

My next creation is 4est (pronounced 'Forest')...because he has 4 arms and 4 eyes:

He also likes cookies. He lives in the forest during the winter.
~These creations are inspired by Ugly Dolls.