Monday, April 20, 2009

Nalaika and Robo-Destroyer

Welcome to Squidman-E's Laboratory! Here you will find creations that are unimaginable and are in use for battle.

Nalaika is one of the greatest warriors in his village. On his back are wings. He has long legs for catching prey from up high.

Robo-Destroyer is just a ball now, but when in use he can let saws pop right out of his back. Two warriors or people can fit into the Robo-Destroyer. The reason why he's coloured green and blue is because it's one of the machines in the Jungle of Dehyco.


  1. great site squidman-e. I look forward to the rest of your creations and stories.

  2. Squidman-E you are as crazy as I am you must visit my lab some day and help me create a super robot.

  3. Thanks matthew five. I will send you a design of a super cool robot. Follow the instructions. I am also building a dishwasher robot for my mom. I'd like to hear from you again. Bye.
