Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mechanical Lego Arm

I worked on building a mechanical arm with Lego today. 
This is the arm in it's open form.

This is it closing up.

If I disconnect the bottom, it becomes a shorter tool.

It takes a while to fix if it breaks.  It has to be adjusted exactly the same on both sides until it's working properly.  In this photo, I'm adjusting it so that it will become curved, as you can see in the next photo:
This can be useful reaching something high up on a shelf, or on the top of the fridge, like today when I reached my mom's camera.  (She's just finding this out now.  She seems a little surprised and unimpressed.)

The mechanical arm can also be useful in reaching for random objects, as long as they're not too heavy;

in touching food that you don't really like;

and in reaching small snacks that you do like to eat.

I might make a few adjustments to the arm, and make it look better.


  1. Unbelievably awesome! Built with such precision, the design is so interesting. And it really works!? Wow. You picked up your mom's camera, yeah, I'd be impressed to. I can't believe it can pick up small olives with such grace! Amazing. How could I turn this into a LEGO Challenge?

  2. Is there any way I can have my current arm surgically removed and replaced with one of these mechanical arms!?!? It looks much more useful

  3. I'm sure it's possible but you'd have to do constant fixing and know a lot about the arm. Ha ha ha.

  4. New Zealand Brad05 December, 2010

    Hey E,
    That is a really cool mechanical arm!!! Maybe you could pinch mom and dad with it and blame it on the arm, that way you wouldn't get in trouble. I also liked your experiments but I hope you got to eat some of the candy as well?
    Uncle Brad

  5. Hi Ethan,
    Your blog is awesome! Very impressive mechanical arm!
    Thanks for the Halloween card!!
    Aunt Catherine
