Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Garden

This is my garden in May before it was planted.  I'm adding compost so that it will grow better.
I planted peas, carrots and a pumpkin.
This is an early photo of my pumpkin.  I wanted to grow it so I could enter it in a garden contest that I'm having with my grandparents.

Here is my pumpkin now.  My grandpa is very competitive so he tried to put a curse on my pumpkin.

This is my first harvest of peas.  They were very very very delicious.

This is my garden now- the peas are on the left, the pumpkin is on the right.   My carrots are in the bottom left corner.
This is my squash.  My mom is always trying to steal the zucchini for lunch.  I'm growing one gigantic squash to take over the world.  Mwaa ha ha ha!  (I'll save the photo for another day.)


  1. Wow, what a gardener you are! I've never seen such a young green thumb. A curse on your pumpkin! That grandpa of yours certainly is competitive, and what a fun competition this is, I can't wait to see the final results and comparisons.

    I can't believe at your age you can already grow your own food! Did you know most boys your age would not be able to identify a zucchini!?

    Do you mind if I start referring to you as master gardener?

  2. Those peas look very plump and delicious! All you plants look really healthy! Nice work! I am sure you had an awesome harvest this fall.
